
May 03, 2023 16:39
Psycho-physical well-being, this is how you can achieve it,,, 

That of a healthy lifestyle is important for our well-being as well as physically as well as mentally. 

An important part of a healthy lifestyle is nutrition. Eating nutritious and balanced foods can help keep our body fit and even prevent disease. Another important part of a healthy lifestyle is physical activity. Exercising regularly can help,,, 

If you don't have time or don't want to go to the gym, there are plenty of exercises you can do from home. For example, you can plan Pilates or workouts. It is important to eat a balanced diet in order to maintain a balanced lifestyle. 

Healthy lifestyle A balanced diet should include a variety of nutritious foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein. 
Avoid processed and sugary foods and try to reduce your consumption of alcohol. 
In conclusion, it is important to follow a healthy lifestyle. 

Nutritious and balanced foods and exercise regularly. 
Keep it in mind often, you are investing in long-term health. 

These changes can make a difference for them. The question arises: how can I start eating healthy? T
here are several steps you can follow to start eating behavior. 

1. Include more fruits and vegetables in your diet: 
These foods are rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals and can help improve your health. 

2. Limit the consumption of processed foods: 
Foods such as refined grains or cured meats can be high in empty calories and low in nutrients. 

Try to limit consumption in everyday life. 

3. Make a plan: If you're struggling to get started with a healthy diet, this can be a good base to START 
Be inventive in creating a plan that leaves healthy meals for at least a week. 

4. Start slowly: 
You don't have to change everything at once. Make one or two small changes at the same time in your diet plan. 

5. Try new healthy foods: 
One approach might be to try. To try a new vegetable every week. Choose a vegetable that you haven't eaten often 
or have never tried it before and are looking for a new recipe to incorporate it into a meal. 

What are the foods that should be avoided for a healthy diet? 
Yes. There are certain foods that you should avoid or restrict. 

Make sure you eat a healthy diet: 

1. Sugar, salt and unhealthy fats. This includes an enormous food group and cooking methods. 
Try to limit consumption. 

2. Bacon and cold cuts: These types of meat are enriched with saturated fats that raise blood cholesterol levels. 

3. Red meat: Red meats are high in saturated fats and cholesterol. 

4. Carbonated soft drinks: Carbonated soft drinks are high in added sugars and can contribute to weight gain. 

5. Bakery products: Bakery products such as biscuits, cakes and sweets 
They can be high in added sugars and unhealthy fats. 

Try to limit your consumption of these foods and instead choose foods such as fruits, 
vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. 

In this article, we will suggest a weekly menu that you can take advantage of. 

Remember that in our consultations, as well as subscriptions, will be tailored to you personally. Here's a possible pattern you can follow and try: 

● Monday: 
breakfast with low-fat yogurt, cereal and fresh fruit; lunch of wholemeal pasta with vegetables and cream cheese; Dinner with legume meatballs and mixed salad. 

● Tuesday: 
Breakfast with semi-skimmed milk, bread, toasted, wholemeal and sugar-free jam; Lunch of cold risotto with chicken breast and green beans; Dinner with omelettes with spinach and whole wheat bread. 

● Wednesday: 
Breakfast with mint iced tea, pancakes whole grain and fresh fruit; lunch of dried legume salad with a mixture of cereals, tomatoes and raw peppers; Dinner with fillet of salmon in crust and tomatoes. 

● Thursday: 
breakfast with low-fat yogurt, oatmeal and fresh fruit; Lunch of barley with peas, cream cheese and mint tea; Dinner a large salad plate with natural tuna and avocato mix as a mayonnaise substitute. 

● Friday: 
Breakfast a mint iced tea, whole wheat pancakes and 85% dark chocolate (max. one row); Lunch a Venus rice, salad with squid rings and peppers; Supper; Chickpea hummus, lettuce and a slice of whole wheat bread. 

● Saturday: 
Breakfast with semi-skimmed milk, a slice of bread made from roasted wholemeal and sugar-free jam; Lunch: pasta made from whole grains with shrimp tails, zucchini and turmeric; Supper; a beef steak and grilled vegetables. 

● Sunday: 
breakfast with low-fat yogurt, cereal and fresh fruit; Lunch of homemade wholemeal pizza with tomatoes, mozzarella and basil; Supper; Chick, pea cream and lightly steamed spinach. 

This is just one example of a healthy weekly menu. You can customize it to your taste and change it according to your needs. 

Remember to drink plenty of at least two to three liters of water a day and two healthy snacks, for example, a carrot as an in-between main meals In conclusion, a healthy and balanced diet is essential for physical and mental well-being. 

There are no miracle solutions or universal diets, but only good eating habits that can be adopted on a daily basis. 

Remember to vary your meals as much as possible and choose fresh food, seasonal and high quality. 

Avoid excess sugar, fat and salt and drink at least two to three liters of water a day. 

Finally, do not neglect physical activity that will help you burn calories. 
Tighten the muscles, they release endorphins (happiness hormones) for you. 

If you have any doubts or difficulties in following or going through a diet, let us advise you,,,

With myMotivtion.ch you will always find a clue about nutrition: 

Experts in this field. 
