
März 28, 2023 13:33
Unfortunately, difficult moments can happen in everyone's life. We must not be discouraged, we must start reacting with small steps, overcome problems to find ourselves stronger than before. But it is absolutely inadvisable to start a diet if you are not in a serene moment of your life, since it would be like throwing gasoline on the fire! Dieting involves a psychological effort, so it is much better to concentrate your resources on solving existing problems and, only after that, start the diet. In this article we want to give you 7 reasons to get off to a great start and enjoy both short-term and long-term results.

1- Focus on the motives and motivations

Our ability to complete any individual project (studying for an exam, completing a job, organizing a trip, etc.) is related to motivation. The "motivation" can be compared to the force released by the engine of our car, but in this case it is not the car that is set in motion because it is our projects that go forward. What is the fuel of this special individual engine? Fuel, or rather fuels, are called "motives" and are implicit concepts, often governed by the unconscious, that belong to each of us. To do a diet well you have to be motivated and to be well motivated you need to have strong and clear reasons! So, before starting the diet, we advise you to write in a nice sheet at least 10 reasons why you want to start this diet project: this sheet should be kept well and 1 time a week you have to reread it looking in the mirror. It requires some effort, but if you have a clear goal you will know where to go. Obviously at the beginning it can be very difficult, maybe you will give up a few days later or a few weeks, but with the help of professionals you will be able to carry out your healthy goals.

2- Warn everyone of your route! T

o do the diet well and serenely, it is advisable to prepare the ground with regard to one's social relationships. In fact, relatives and friends must be informed and they must be asked, please, not to judge! Unfortunately we live in a society where everyone has become expert opinion-makers and for this reason we must protect ourselves: warn all your loved ones and acquaintances that you would like not to receive negative comments on your work ("in my opinion the diet is not working I advise you to follow what a friend of mine did", "you're losing too much weight so it doesn't work", etc.). Above all, you should avoid comparisons with people outside of you and with the stereotypes that we find in social networks; Those are the most dangerous. In short, let everyone mind their own business, while you focus on your personal well-being.

3- Motivated with new recipes and flavors

We must live the diet as a great opportunity, or the opportunity to discover new flavors, healthier and hopefully genuine. Sometimes we eat badly just because we are used to it badly: accustomed to fast food, accustomed to certain commercial concoctions, accustomed to flavors that seem very good and indispensable. The diet should be a moment of food education! For this reason it is advisable to eat with taste everything that is recommended (without focusing on the things you already know) and use a lot of imagination in the recipes. In our food program, we have more than 3,000 good and tasty recipes available. In short, we must let go and understand that diet is not necessarily just sacrifice but can be the door that makes us discover new pleasures of the table!

 4- Don't be in a hurry! 

One of the risks that is most often run when dieting is being in a hurry to achieve results. A good diet takes time, in fact losing weight quickly will also mean being able to regain it easily, plus it is a health risk!  Particularly anxious people are the ones who are most likely to live the path to weight loss with this torment.  Often we experience anxious emotions even before starting the diet (fear of not making it and therefore procrastination of the start of the diet) and it also happens that pathological mechanisms are triggered after weight loss (obsessive control of eating behavior with mild antisocial behaviors).  Anxiety is a completely natural, healthy and important emotional reaction for our survival; Therefore it is important to learn to live with it and learn to manage it when the levels rise too high.  A good tip for management is to write in a diary your emotions and then reread them after days, to have a slightly more detached point of view that can help us correct our behavior if it becomes devoid of common sense. Do not rush, the results will be very evident, but unfortunately you will not be the first or the first to notice it but the others.  The rush may not make you see the desired results in the hoped-for time and this could discourage you and make you stop pursuing your goals.  Stay focused and take your time. Haste is the enemy of everything.

5- Do not feel guilty

It happens and always can happen. We did 20 perfect days of diet and then couldn't help but eat our favorite pizza with 1000 toppings? What is done cannot be changed. As you well know, we cannot change the past, but we can act strongly on our present. Guilt is an emotion that can disorient and lower the positive emotional levels needed to do the diet well. Better to enjoy 100% pizza and then start the diet well from the next day! Moreover, some diets provide 1 day a week where it is possible to be "free". Our food plans also include this type of help, that is, do not make you lose motivation and start again in a great way even after relapses.

6- Be satisfied with yourself

While dieting we have to fall in love with our body. For some it is very easy, since seeing the improvements with the naked eye, they also feel better mentally. For others it is much more complicated because they continue to see themselves ugly and / or fat because of a very very low starting self-esteem: this can be a danger if it turns into pathological eating behaviors (think of anorexia). So you have to work hard to feel satisfied with yourself! If you follow a diet well, it is obvious that you lose weight and become more beautiful. It is important to realize this (open your eyes to reality and not look at things with your mind) and in this sense it is not recommended not to use the scale as a measuring instrument, as weight is subject to non-linear variations (even during the day) and those who do sports could even more disorient themselves (muscle mass weighs more than fat). Better to use a centimeter to measure your body (chest circumference, waist, arm, leg) and even better to use a plicometer (the instrument that measures the amount of fat with the "pinch"). In order to be reliable, measurements must be made once every 10 days and always on the same day and time: right that they become a periodic ritual to monitor (objectively) one's diet path, the important thing is that they do not become a fixation (with the risk of pathological interpretations of the results). Do you remember the sheet we told you about at the beginning? Write again! Take a pen and paper and write down all the positive things you have done to date. You will realize that the improvements are many more than the worsening. (so to speak) Be satisfied with your efforts and eliminate negative thoughts that have to do with you and the path taken. Often our brain considers victory as a rare thing and loss as total reality. But this is not the case.

 7- Combine us with a bit of sport

Not for everyone it is possible, sometimes for reasons of time, other times for physical problems.  However, whenever possible, it becomes good practice to combine sports activity with your diet path. This is not only for obvious reasons related to the body, as sports activity increases metabolism favoring the achievement of weight loss goals, as well as helping to firm muscle mass by shaping our line in the best possible way.  The other important reason is that physical activity favors the increase in the levels of endorphins (neurotransmitter that acts as a natural antidepressant) in our brain and thanks to this the psychological fatigue of following the diet becomes much lighter. Our training cards provide sport done in case for a few minutes a day and without the use of expensive equipment.  Starting with a few minutes is the best way to start loving sports.  You don't necessarily have to go to the gym, often with little you can achieve a lot.  So don't give up!  myMotivation has the solution for you  In this article, we want to encourage you to embark on a journey. A path that can change your life and your way of life.  The diet does not have to be something suffering or anxious, for this reason we at mymotivation, we have created packages that will allow you to see excellent results in a short time.  We will be by your side from the beginning. What are you waiting for? Request your free consultation. 
