Healthy diet meal | Healthy Eating And Exercise | Eat Healthy

Ottobre 06, 2023 18:38
Do not diet, eat healthy! 

The only real diet that works? Reduce the amount and be consistent. 

Diet is not just weight loss, but a lifestyle to stay healthy. During the diet you change your eating habits, but you are subject to continuous monitoring. Healthy eating is a habit that allows, instead, to make peace with food. The kilos taken during the holidays or at the times when we allow ourselves the holidays usually range from two to five, often accompanied by a feeling of bloating due to excesses of alcohol and more unregulated meals than normal. The good news, in fact, is that to lose those fateful five kilos accumulated, just get back on track and return to a healthy lifestyle. It is not a question of following a restrictive diet with a rebound effect, but it is enough to undertake a balanced diet by adding some new healthy habits. It is possible to lose weight with a balanced and adequate approach to the vital needs of the organism that vary from person to person. It should not be an excessively privative food approach, but which also includes a sgarro meal a week. By its nature, if the human body feels excessively private, it implements the action of binge eating to compensate, so excessively restrictive diets do not work, or at least, we can only adopt them for very short periods. And unfortunately many old-fashioned nutritionists create drastic diets for their patients, who after a few months, even days, then stop disappointed and angry. If we want to lose weight to achieve our optimal physical shape and maintain the results over time, it is necessary to think of the diet not as a deprivation plan, but as a healthy lifestyle.


They may seem synonymous, but they differ in method. Losing weight is not synonymous with losing weight.  Losing weight reduces especially the muscles and their tone, loses water and part of the sugar reserves (glycogen) and only a small amount of fat mass.  Slimming, on the other hand, mainly reduces body fat.  For this reason, the slimming process is generally slower, but effective and long-lasting than losing weight.  To lose weight effectively and reduce the risk of regaining lost kilos, it is essential to adopt a strategy that provides for a balanced diet in carbohydrates, proteins and fats, as, for example, proposed by the Zone food strategy.  That's why you can lose five pounds in a month, but this cannot be mistaken for losing weight properly by losing only fat and keeping the immune system efficient. 


In order not to have hunger cramps, it is important not only to consider the quantity of nutrients, i.e. calories, but also their quality. For this reason, among the carbohydrates it is good to choose those with a medium-low glycemic index (eg fruit, vegetables, whole grains, legumes), avoiding or taking only in very small quantities and with little frequency those with a high glycemic index such as white flours, sugar from sweets and processed foods. Among the proteins it is good to choose the leaner ones such as fish, soy, egg white, white meats. And among the fats the "good" ones such as dried fruit (without exaggeration), extra virgin olive oil and omega 3 fatty acids from marine sources. 


The rule is: balance meals by adding a snack if 5 or more hours pass between meals. This serves to keep blood sugar as constant as possible, avoiding important peaks that would lead to perception of nervous hunger, chronic fatigue and persistent hunger. Proteins, in addition to nourishing lean body mass, increase the body's energy expenditure and promote satiety both in the meal and in the following hours.


Already after the first 3-5 days if the diet is balanced an increase in diuresis can be felt, while after the first week between 0.5-0.7 kg of body weight reduction can be observed. And when the balance does not move, it is precisely the moment when you must not give up. Weight loss is a process, weight reduction is never linear but follows a trend as if it were a scale. Some possible periods of stalemate in weight loss are more than normal and we must not worry or get demoralized».

But what could I eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner? A typical breakfast could be: a toast or low-fat white yogurt with fresh fruit and nuts or almonds, or cow's milk or vegetable yogurt with biscuits with a balanced dough that also includes proteins. Lunch: dish divided into three parts of which a third of vegetables, a third of proteins and a last third of grain carbohydrates, such as spelt, barley or brown basmati rice. Dinner: a second course and a source of fruit carbohydrates that can possibly be consumed before the meal. As a source of good fats always season with e.v.o. oil. 

The concept of mymotivation is not to reduce your life to slavery, but to help you understand the concept of eating healthy and losing weight naturally. When you are on a diet, you must also take into account another organ, namely the brain. We cannot deny him or deprive him too many things, otherwise he will overturn making us eat so much and badly. Not to mention the punishment it will give us in the form of "guilt" Not sure where to start with your diet? We understand perfectly, do not worry. Our suggestion is totally in your favor. Request a free consultation tailored to you. During the consultation we will be able to frame what your real needs are, your goals, but above all we will help you to break down those obstacles that until now have blocked you. The diet must be accompanied by a line of thought, that is, a food concept that is easy to understand with the help of experts in the field. Contact us without any obligation and take charge of your life. Your body and mind need you. 
