Practical tips

Mai 27, 2023 15:56
Practical tips for your nutrition! 

Today we want to talk to you about how to stay focused on your dietary and sports goals so that you don't lose motivation. 
Being more active, doing more sports, drinking less alcohol, quitting smoking... It only takes two weeks to forget about 90% of our good intentions. 
To ensure that it does not happen to you, we have collected the most effective and important tips t
hat will help you not to lose sight of your goal with the passage of time and above all not to give up during moments of weakness. 
How to turn good intentions into action? Set concrete goals! 
The first thing to do is to have a concrete goal. "Get fit", "do more sports" or "eat healthier food" are rather vague goals. I
t will not be easy to understand when you have reached them, nor if you are on the right path to do so. 
It is important to define your goal numerically. For example, determine how many pounds you want to weigh, 
what your waist size or arm circumference should be, how long you should be able to complete a workout or run, how many perfect repetitions of an exercise you should be able to do, or how many vegetables per meal you should eat. 

The best thing is to also set a date by which to reach your goal. Visualize your goal! 
Keep your goals in mind. Imagine exactly how you will be and how you will feel when you reach them. 

What will you feel? Pride? Joy? Relief? 

Let your imagination run wild. Emotions, especially positive ones, motivate you much more than rational factors. 
Don't lose sight of your goal, literally. Write it down or draw it somewhere and place it in a place where you will see it every day, 
such as the mirror in your bathroom, the desktop of your PC or the desk of your office. 

Set a realistic goal! Yes, you have to aim high, but not too high!

When we are placed in front of our motivational barriers, we often want to make a total and immediate change,
 tending to exaggerate.
 Fatigue and frustration come into play and we are led to abandon our goal completely. S
tart at your level, not the one you want to get to, and set a realistic date by which you can reach your goal. 
Reach your goal step by step! Precisely determine the intermediate successes that will lead you to your final goal 
and the individual steps you will need to follow. Write down each stage so you can easily move from one intermediate success to the next. 
Every time you arrive at a new stage you will feel a feeling of satisfaction and you will want to move on to the next one. 

The stages are a confirmation that you are on the right track and, during moments of weakness, 
will help you not to think that the final goal is too difficult to reach.
 Train with a friend! 
Pursue your goals with a like-minded person: a friend, relative, or colleague. 
You're much less likely to miss a session if you've made an appointment with someone to train together, 
if only to not let them down. In addition, your nutrition will improve if you have someone next to you who "observes" what you eat. 
And of course you will also help your training partner in the same way. T

raining groups are very useful to avoid constantly postponing sessions from one day to the next. 
By training with other athletes you will have the inspiration you need to always give your best 
and you can compare your strengths and weaknesses with them, get advice and share experiences. T
he encouragement you will receive from your group and the feeling of pursuing a goal together with other athletes
 will increase your motivation! We at myMotivation can follow you step by step. 
This way you will feel guided towards your goals. 
With our professional staff you can train comfortably at home and without spending money on expensive sporting goods.

What can I do if I have a strong lack of motivation?

 Unfortunately, we all have our moments of weakness. There can be many reasons behind poor motivation, 
but it is precisely in these moments that you have to fight the desire to give up.
 If you don't, the problem will start to occur too frequently. 
Keep your goals in mind! Look at the drawing or text you used to describe your goal and always keep it in mind. 
Put yourself in the shoes of the future you, get away from the present and imagine how you will feel. 
How would you like to be and what would you like to feel? 
First the body, then the mind! Mental and physical behaviors are strictly dependent on each other. 
By simply adopting a more rigid posture, your mood can improve and your motivation can increase. 
Taking a short walk, blood flow is stimulated and certain neurotransmitters are redistributed, making you immediately more determined. 

If your body behaves actively and motivatedly, your mind will do the same. Don't waste any more time! The more we postpone something, 
the harder it becomes to do it. This also applies to short-term goals. So start training immediately, 
before the inner voice trying to discourage you becomes too loud! 
Set aside a small reward to give yourself when you've finished your workout. Think about the satisfaction you will feel and how good you will feel about your conscience. As with everything, the biggest difficulty is to start! Or have you ever had not enough motivation in the middle of a workout?

Nothing is wasted time! 

Even if you've put your workout or diet aside for a while, don't think nothing makes a difference. 
Completing just one training session is better than nothing. Eating healthy once is better than nothing. 
You can always add an extra workout session or healthy diet day, even after a break. Instead, f
ocus on why you quit and what you might change in the future. 
Unhealthy meals or exercise sessions you've skipped don't necessarily turn into obstacles, unless they occur too often. 
At that point you will enter a vicious circle. In conclusion, 
the perfect moment does not exist. We usually take as a reference the first day of the year, month or week, 
but think carefully: 
Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life. 
Take advantage of it as much as you can! 

Don't wait, start now!
